Contact us by writing us a message below, by phone or via email
You are most likely to reach us by email: info@koihu.com
You can also reach us by phone:
Petri +358 400 128 268
Päivi +358 405002084
Pirkko +358 407184708
Our office is mobile, so in order to meet us in person, please agree the meeting beforehand.
How to get to here?
We are located in the countryside, in the middle of quiet and tranquil forests and waters. That is why this beautiful place with its nature experiences is worth coming from further afield. You can get there by your own car, or by train or by plane to Joensuu, for example from Helsinki. You can also get to Ilomantsi center from Joensuu by bus a few times a day. We can also arrage the transportation and pick you up from Joensuu or from Ilomantsi center. More details from here.
Outdoor etiquette
Useful guidelines for nature visitors, please check out the Outdoor etiquette
Ilomantsi 30km, the closest shops are here
Joensuu 75km
Lappeenranta 286km
Tampere 473km
Helsinki 560km
We warmly welcome you from far and wide, and lands faraway.
81450 Huhus
+358 400128268 / Petri
+358 405002084 / Päivi
+358 407184708 / Pirkko